Grand Auto Theft Easy Pickings

Grand Auto Theft easy pickings


Ontario Security Solutions

Today I was doing my usual hour power walk in my neighbourhood while taking stock of the blatant disregard people have for one of their most prized possession, namely their car.

I observed three vehicles idling unattended with no driver in sight. I have to agree that it has been extremely cold these last few days making it easy to leave one s vehicle idling to keep it warm. Who wants to sit on a cold seat? It brings shivers to my spine just thinking about it. The first car I saw was my neighbour s. The second was a truck from the local gas utility company. The third was a car parked and idling on the street.

The good news is that none of these vehicles are on the top stolen vehicle list. The bad news it that this list doesn t apply to the quick steal joy rider.


A parked, idling car is similar to a gift wrapped package under the Christmas tree. Most people are not aware that approximately thirty percent of vehicles that are stolen were left idling right in the driveway. So who is to blame when this happens? I would be embarrassed if I had to call my insurance company to tell them that my vehicle was stolen right in my driveway while running. I believe that most don t tell their insurance company for that reason alone.

Many municipalities have vehicle idle bylaws. Unfortunately these bylaws allow one to keep their vehicle running when it is very cold or hot. So how can this problem be managed?

I m certain that behaviours would change drastically if insurance companies refused to pay claims if the theft was due to unattended idling. Since this hasn t happened (yet) alternatives are needed. If the laws allow a vehicle to idle in very cold and very hot weather, there is no culpability from a legal perspective if the vehicle is stolen.

While walking on a different day, I observed an ambulance idling unattended in front of a house with both paramedics inside and out of sight. Two garbage trucks were idling in front of a convenience store at break time. On other occasions, I have witnessed large transport trucks idling on the road while the driver was buying a coffee at the coffee shop. Bus drivers leave the bus running while they run inside for a quick personal relief.

One solution is electronic and seamless. An unattended vehicle idling protection immobilizer is effective in both cost and function. This is an ideal system for municipal snow ploughs, garbage trucks, police cruisers, fire trucks and ambulances, to name a few.

For the average person, this solution would also be viable. Unfortunately we live in a relatively safe environment. Most North Americans live in relative harmony and peace.

Many believe that it will never happen to them. In most cases they are right. If North America started to see the same type of civil strife that is commonplace in the rest of the world, a new revolution of thinking would occur and I m certain the general public would react accordingly to protect their assets both from a common sense and technology perspective.

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