When You Learn Something, Turn Around And Teach It.

Submitted by: Arthur Buchanan

Why would you want to teach somebody something that you just learned yourself? Good question and I ll do my best to give you a great answer. When you are spending the time to learn something usually we say great I made it threw and now I can relax and take it easy for a while.

Wrong answers most do just that and they stay on vacation for a year or two then when the time calls for it they can t remember what you have been taught on that special subject that you would love to remember at this present moment. Now you could review the material every two to three months if you knew you were going to use the stuff and if you aren t then why pry tell did you take the stinking class?

Now that I have that out of my system let s move on. Why teach something after you learn it, this is why. When you teach normally you will prepare better, thously you have better reinforcement of the material and having a three to five times better chance of the material sticking to your mind


That s just one way. Second reason you should teach after you have learned is, if you are brave and you teach more than one, for each person they will ask their two to three question maybe more who knows, you are reinforcing different parts of the material that you normally would not have to cover giving you a more diverse account of the subject at hand.

Which in turn can only make the material stick to your mind better? Number three reason to teach after you learn. You may find that you liked teaching so much that you ll do it again and again, this in turn will build on what you already know and with your doing the process over and over you ll have the material down in no time flat.

Another reason would be for the self esteem it will give for not only learning the material thoroughly, you now have disciples, which in turn may very well teach someone themselves and you will have a hand in all the teaching from that day forth and you didn t Think you could do it, now your self-esteem is at an all time high and having great self-esteem means you are well on your way to thinking & growing well? now that you ve learned the valuable lesson to learn is heavenly to teach is divine.

About the Author: Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!


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